The story of my old bestfriend in heaven, little Richy...
Richy lived in the house next door to mine in Arizona when I was six. Richy and I were the best of friends. We did everything together... the same class in Sunday school, the same kindergarten, same nap time, we even had the same career ideas... we both thought we'd be doctors... and practiced on one another quite a bit. Our moms had to become best friends just to make their lives easier.
The day Richy died,
was the first day in all the time we'd been that I, not knowing of his passing had decided it would be fun to play with girls, because boys stink, and conveniently there were two new little girls that moved in right up the street, just the day before.
The sad news,
When I was home from playing with the girls, I found my mom crying on the kitchen floor.
She soon explained to me that Richy had gone back to heaven, and that I would not be able to play with him again here on earth...
Richy was my very best friend, I didn't get to say goodbye... I didn't get to say I'm sorry for not playing with him, I didn't get to tell him about my two new girlfriends.. I would have invited him next time, truly I would...
A heartbroken, regretful little girl and a smart and creative mommy..
A few days passed and I wasn't feeling any better... wishing I could tell him one more thing, two more things, just three more things... "YOU'RE FUNNER THAN GIRLS!! you're my best friend, we will get to play again in heaven one day, I LOVE YOU".
My mother had been in and out of my room all week, trying to comfort me. Telling me different things about heaven and love. Things that felt good to hear, but lost their potency seconds after they were spoken. It wasn't until she entered my room this time, with Richy's favorite color red, a helium balloon, a white index card, some color pencils, and lots of new knowledge... she told me that the first week in heaven Richy could indeed receive letters from family and friends here on earth. (this story must have been told to protect my mother from having to send letters to heaven each and everyday for the rest of my childhood). And that's just what we did, not every day, but just this once.. we sent Richy a letter to heaven via balloon!!
To my dear Numa, I hope your creative endeavors bring you strength and peace of mind, and to anyone who may be experiencing pain from the recent passing of Sun Sannes. I love you.

The photo above is of my good friend Numa Perrier, and her heavenly Sun...
Photo taken by Femi Emiola