Thursday, March 12, 2009

A letter from Eve...

There are very few thing that can compare to my love for colorful interiors... one of those few being white interiors, spotless white interiors with their only contrast consisting of natural materials; wood, stone, brick, rusted metal.. ext..

Amazing how well this room gets away with not having a single window... It's those clever Moroccans they sure know how to cut design corners!

One of my favorite games to play when I'm siting in a doctors waiting room is the what would you change game!! you only need three things to win... one.. a good eye, two.. a design magazines, and three.. a friend or boyfriend that is as bored as you are... Rules differ depending on the magazine. A good magazine, your opponent chooses only two categories you can change. Categories being; walls, floor, lighting, seating, decorative. You change things in the category by removing them or organizing them in a different way in the room.. let's play with the above photo.. me first.. You chose walls and decorative for me.. thanks, just what I would have chosen. Here goes.. I'd remove every thing from the white and stone walls, except the beautiful tapestry, and the shelf above, rearrange the shelf leaving only the four tea kettles on the left.. I'd like to bring a little life in the room so I'm gonna go ahead and toss anything that's dead starting with the dried plants on the left, and continuing on to sweep the place of all the dead animal hide. So, now you know how to play... I hope you're never bored in a waiting room again!
My dream home... at the moment, is smiler to the above photo... The last four months I've been traveling through South American. I've been completely obsessed with their 18th century buildings. A lot of times the buildings have half crumbled to the ground leaving them with only the beautiful detailed front, and in some lucky cases a partially tiled floor. The walls that have survived look less like walls you would find in a big city, and more like the ruins in the photograph above.

I would love to have both properties... the beautiful 18th century three story home, and the breathtaking garden in the ruins next door.. Better visuals in posts to come!

P. S. Thanks Eve, we love Lebanon!

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