Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Almost in Paris
Friday, February 22, 2008 9:08 AM
Hello my love!

I am about to leave frankfort, after a fairly unpleasant 4:30 layover.... I slept on a bench for a couple of hours, like a homeless guy! I look forward to some food and a comfy bed, I didn't sleep much, which is pretty unusual for me on planes.

Anyway, I've been thinking about you non stop. It'll be hard to wake up everyday without you my baby, but at the same time I feel so happy! So happy baby. So happy to have you in my life, and so excited at the prospect of sharing many adventures with you in the future, wherever they may take us. Whether we end up traveling or settling somewhere, we'll be together and that fills me with joy. i've never felt so sure about a relationship, I feel like everything with you falls into place. I love you, and the next time I leave on a trip and board a plane, I hope I feel your head resting on my shoulder... I send you lots and lots of sweet thoughts my love. But no worries, a
xxx crazed email will soon follow :p


Monkey boy

Ps: I read my emails on my phone but not MySpace or Facebook.. So feel free to email me!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008 2:05 PM
Bonjour mon amour!

This means hello my love, and it's pronounced bohn-joor mohn ah-moor!

How are you sweet ferret creature? I'm in the south of France visiting my sis, its great to see her. Quite a contrast to see her in a small, fairly non descript town in our native France, just as we are about to take off on an international adventure!!! Baby, the more I think of it the more it makes sense to me. We are so fortunate to be young, healthy, with no immediate and permanent bond to any specific place (as opposed to having a kid or a mortgage), and we both have a way of being which seems very compatible with traveling: easy going, street smart, socially versatile... I also can't wait to live in a warm place where you won't need to wear much _ if anything at all! I am in bed, thinking about you, about my life, about the future, about Africa, about my project, how it can all tie together. We are privileged enough to have this incredible option to go travel.. Think about it, not anyone could or would go, especially not in a couple. There's no one I ever would've wanted to do this with, not only because your the love of my life, but also because I see you doing this. I can't wait!!!

I can call you tomorrow from my sister's place, morning your time, let me know when works.

I send you all my love baby! And rest assured, I'm taking the doll on a little field trip through catalunya!

Je t'aime mon amour,

Monkey boy - ton singe!
Envoyé depuis ma mûre.. .. sent from my Crackberry

Wednesday, March 5, 2008 at 6:04 PM
Thanks my LOVE!

I miss you so much, I keep staring at the screen saver on my phone.. my step mom said "is that a naked girl on your phone", and Julien noticed it too, so maybe I should change it, but I don't want to!!!!!! Every time I look at it I get goosebumps. Love of my life, I want you by my side.

I want to see you with the green boots... what a CUTIE.

Love love love baby,


On Wednesday, March 5, 2008 at 6:04 AM, rebekka jones wrote:

Monkey love!

Met Abou lastnight, cool African dude says he can put you in touch with who he claims, the most influential music producer in all of west Africa (Senegal) Abou's email if you're interested ...

Have your favorite green boots on.. California's been crying for you all day non stop... wish the sun would come out and remind me of better days!!

Anyway, Im going out for a bit with Chou chou, one of her lovers, Hakim (not a cop) will be performing tonight with his band should be fun! love you Monk!!!

bex xx

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